Trading conditions

Withdrawal fees

We will adjust the withdrawal fees according to the blockchain conditions regularly.

Fee 3.5 GVT 0.0005 BTC 0.01 ETH 4 USDT


  • Regular: 0,3% trading fee;
  • GVT holders: 30% discount for fees paid in GVT (regardless of the amount of GVT on the balance); Tiering system:
Amount Discount Fees
From 1 GVT up to 10 30% 0.210%
Up to 25 35% 0.195%
Up to 50 GVT 40% 0.180%
Up to 100 GVT 45% 0.165%
Up to 500 GVT 50% 0.150%
500 GVT+ 55% 0.135%


For BTC/USDT pair 1 lot equals 0.0001 BTC.

For ETH/USDT pair 1 lot equals 0.0001 ETH.

For BCC/USDT pair 1 lot equals 0.0001 BCC.

Kindly note that numbers in MT5 are rounded to 8 decimals.

For the rest of the instruments, 1 lot equals 1 coin.